Touching Into our True Self: Your Support for the Ancestry In Progress Retreat in Philadelphia

“I have never felt more profound joy, gratitude and healing in retreat space as I did during Ancestry in Progress. This experience has left an unforgettable impression on my heart, and I am looking forward to watering the seeds we planted together in such a powerful space.” 

Dear friends,

This October, you helped make possible the Philadelphia Sangha Retreat “Ancestry in Progress,” hosted by the Many Faces Sangha and facilitated by senior Dharma teachers Dr. Peggy Rowe Ward and Dr. Larry Ward. Thanks to your donation, the Philadelphia Sangha was able to fund rental of the retreat facility so that attendees could join at a lower cost or with a scholarship.

“The Ancestry In Progress retreat has proved to be life-changing for not only me but many of my friends who attended with the help of a scholarship. Personally, I found far more tools to bring meditation into my daily life. I recite the 5 mindfulness Trainings each day and find that I can sit in meditation for longer. I’ve shared trainings and video with my friends and many others would like to come to a retreat. My friend’s have found a greater sense of peace and calm as they are navigating oppressions. This grant has had a large ripple effect in our community.” - Retreat participant

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Participants spent the weekend exploring their connection to their ancestry. The retreat focused on revitalizing that connection in order to renew each person’s vitality, self-understanding and inspiration, and restore their practice in the present moment to heal and transform themselves and the world.

“{I had the insight} that we have all the tools for our liberation inside us already! It deepened my commitment to multi-racial, cross class political organizing (which is my life's work) and helped me make connections between my sitting practice and my political work in ways I hadn't before.” - Retreat participant

The retreat centered Black, Indigenous and other People of Color, gender expansive/fluid folx, LGBTQIA+, youth practitioners 18 and over, community organizers and others who are typically marginalized in wellness/spiritual circles. Both longtime and new practitioners participated.

“This retreat really moved me in a way that hasn't happened since the last POC Retreat in Deer Park in 2015. I felt held, understood, able to understand, and a depth of practice energy and commitment that lit up my heart and refreshed my bodhicitta. Living in the world can be so challenging, and Sangha spaces that center PoC, LGBTQIA+, and other voices are helping change the heart of a racist and traumatized country. Thank goodness.” - Retreat participant

At the end of the retreat the response we received most frequently was, “See you next year!” Many people expressed interest in making this gathering an annual event. There were many tears of release, joy and gratitude for the experience of true beloved community.

Thank you so much for making this possible.

A lotus,

The Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation Family