Temporary Monastery Closures in Response to Coronavirus

Updated as of August 31, 2021

Let us breathe together, as we all do our best to be there and support each other through this uncertain time.

Recognizing our monasteries are places of community and togetherness for large groups of people from many different regions, our monastic teachers have made the decision to temporarily close several of our centers to the public during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. They know that, as a spiritual community and a place of refuge, they have a social responsibility to protect the wellbeing, safety, and happiness of visiting guests and the residential community. The closures also are in support of recommendations from their governments and health institutions.

The following monasteries are currently closed to the public. The monastics will review and update the closure dates as the situation evolves. You can still participate in online events and retreats at various monasteries. If you have any questions, please contact the monastery directly. For information on how to help, please read further below.

Plum Village Monastery, Aquitaine Region, France

Plum Village Monastery is closed to the public until further notice. You can find more information on Plum Village Monastery’s closure here.

Deer Park Monastery, California, United States

Deer Park Monastery is slowly reopening to visitors. Please always check the calendar on their website for when they might offer in-person events. They are not open for drop-in visitors. When they do have visitors, everyone must be fully vaccinated and be able to provide proof of vaccination.

Blue Cliff Monastery, New York, United States

Blue Cliff Monastery is open for visitors for Sunday Days of Mindfulness for people who are fully vaccinated. They are also open for weekend Seasonal Retreat overnight guests with full vaccination who have been at Blue Cliff previously and who are familiar with their practices. Please check their website for more information.

Magnolia Grove Monastery, Mississippi, United States

Magnolia Grove Monastery is open to the public. To view their programming, visit the monastery website here.

European Institute of Applied Buddhism, Waldbrol, Germany

The European Institute of Applied Buddhism is open for guests. To read about their health and hygiene measures, please click here.

Maison de L’Inspir, Centre Region, France

Monastère de la Maison de l’Inspir is closed to the public until further notice. To read their announcement, please click here.

Thai Plum Village International Practice Center, Pong Ta Long, Thailand

Thai Plum Village is closed to the public until further notice.

Asian Institute of Applied Buddhism, Hong Kong

The Asian Institute of Applied Buddhism is closed to the public until further notice.

Mountain Spring Monastery, Bilpin, Australia

Mountain Spring Monastery is currently closed to the public. They plan to reopen in December 2021. For updates, please visit the monastery website here.

Nhap Luu (Stream Entering) Monastery, Porcupine Ridge, Australia

Nhap Luu Monastery is closed to the public until further notice.

How You Can Help

We are aware that these are difficult and uncertain times for many people around the world — people who have lost loved ones, who no longer have a stable source of income, or who are afraid and cut off from the comfort of other human beings. May all of us as a species use this opportunity to wake up to our shared humanity, our shared vulnerability, to nourish our compassion, and to strengthen our communities.

The monasteries, too, find themselves facing a challenge. The practice centers are dependent on retreat fees to cover the basic necessities. While the monasteries are closed they will completely rely on the generosity of practitioners. If you can, please consider offering a donation. Your gift will provide food, shelter, and healthcare for the sisters and brothers. 

Giving to the Foundation’s general support fund will give the monastics the flexibility to send funds to the monasteries of greatest need. Any gift will greatly help the monastics and be deeply appreciated.

Resources for You

Aware of the importance of supporting and nourishing our collective practice in these challenging times, our monasteries are exploring online ways to continue to share their teachings with you. To be notified, click here to subscribe to The Raft, our global community newsletter.

We have also compiled a package of practice resources for you during this time.