Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation?

The Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation serves as the United States fundraising arm and a communications hub of the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism, Inc. (PVCEB), formerly known as the Unified Buddhist Church. The Foundation is a committee of the PVCEB; it shares the benefits of the PVCEB’s nonprofit status and is not an independent 501(c)(3). 

Is the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation a separate organization from the Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism?

No. The Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation is a committee of the PVCEB. All responsibility and authority rests with the Board of Directors of the PVCEB, which includes Sister Chan Khong and other senior monastic teachers.

Who created the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation and why?

In 2011, Thay, Sister Chan Khong, and the other monastics of the PVCEB Board (called the Unified Buddhist Church at the time) met with fundraising experts to discuss how to respond to the many people who wanted to provide financial support to continue Thay’s work, and to discuss how to meet the community’s financial needs. The PVCEB decided to create a coordinated fundraising program based in the US.

What kinds of projects does the Foundation support?

The PVCEB Board sets the Foundation’s fundraising priorities based on the needs of the community. Funds are also distributed to humanitarian aid through the Love and Understanding Program, Dharma Outreach programs, and global monastic support, including health care.

Do I have to donate to the Foundation to be a member of the Plum Village practice?

Never. No one is ever required to donate funds to the International Plum Village Community. We do ask that you breathe and smile and offer peace to yourself and your loved ones. Such action is enough.

How can I make a donation to the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation?

There are many options to give a gift to the community. You can view our ways of giving here.

For more information, you are also welcome to contact us by email, phone, or mail; you can find our contact information here.

What is the best way to support the community through the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation?

Many people find giving monthly donations through automatic deduction/credit card to be the most convenient. By joining our Plum Blossom Society with a monthly gift, you provide the stable support necessary to keep our programs running and to direct funds where they are needed most.

If you are interested in making a larger gift or gift of stock, please contact Bobbi Perez, our Global Giving Director, at or (415) 322-0101.

How do I leave a legacy gift (bequest) to the community in my will?

It is very simple to leave a gift to the community in your will. You can offer support through your will, retirement account, or life insurance policy through our Cedar Society program. All the information you need is here. If you are interested in making a legacy gift, please contact us at or (415) 322-0101.

Where is the office of the Foundation located?

The office is located in Solidity Hamlet at Deer Park Monastery in Escondido, California.

Who is responsible for day-to-day oversight of the Foundation?

The PVCEB has appointed a Foundation Working Board of Directors to conduct the business of the Foundation. The Foundation Board makes recommendations and implements the policies approved by the PVCEB Board in helping the Foundation meet its mission.

Who is on the Foundation Working Board?

The Foundation Board currently consists of lay and monastic members from the manyfold Sangha. The lay Board members serve staggered three-year terms and may be re-appointed for additional terms. All members of the Foundation Board are appointed by the PVCEB Board of Directors. All board members are unpaid volunteers who put in many hours to support the community. Several board members are professional fundraisers as well as long-time practitioners.

Who are the staff members of the Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation?

You can find the list of staff along with some information about them here. In addition, the Foundation is supported by many wonderful volunteers.

When I pay to attend a retreat at a practice center or buy a ticket for a public talk with monastics, what does my payment support?

Retreat payments help pay for food and the other operational expenses of hosting a retreat at a practice center. For monastics’ public talks, ticket sales simply cover the cost of the venue. The monastic community chooses to keep these costs low in order to make the events easily accessible.

Can I apply for grant funding from the Foundation?

Yes, we offer small grants through the Dharma Outreach Program which supports initiatives that offer the teachings and practices of Thich Nhat Hanh.

For any other questions, please feel free to contact us here.